Our Water Story
1,600 sq ft immersive mural wrapping the Harriet Trolley Tunnel in Minneapolis, MN. Part of Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board’s “Parks For All” Comprehensive Plan. This mural represents goal number 4 of the plan: Work from our strengths and determining our role in partnerships; with a subset focus on water quality and management.
Artist Statement:
In thinking about the Minneapolis chain of lakes and water management through the lens of partnerships and longevity, the image of handing off the page came to mind. Just as one body of water affects the next, how we pass along the job of caring for water through the generations becomes the story we tell about the places we love. Cattails act as a shoreline buffer to prevent erosion and minimize nutrient input, while Lily Pads naturally protect against the growth of Blue Green Algae, a common problem for Minneapolis lakes. These dynamic plant relationships highlight the collaborative work done through leveraging our strengths and determining our role in partnerships.